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The Department of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) in developing an e-performance information system needs to carry out a governance evaluation. The aim of this research is to evaluate information technology governance in the E-Kinerja system in assessing employee performance at the Bener Meriah Regency Communication and Information Service using the COBIT 2019 model using the Action Research method. Data collection techniques use two sources of primary data and secondary data. The results of this research are three main domains in COBIT 2019, namely EDM02 (Ensured Benefits Delivery), APO10 (Managed Vendors), and BAI11 (Managed Projects). This evaluation is carried out to measure the targeted capability level (to-be), the current capability level (as-is), as well as the gaps (GAP) that exist between the two. So the capability level in the EDM02 domain is at level 4, the APO10 domain is at level 2 and the BAI11 domain is at level 2. These findings provide an overview of areas that require further improvement and development to achieve more effective and efficient information technology governance. Thus, it is hoped that this research can contribute to improving the quality of information technology governance at the Bener Meriah Regency Communication and Information Service, as well as becoming a reference for other government agencies in implementing the COBIT 2019 model for evaluating information technology systems.
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